

""Don't be scared by their skull shaped underbelly! The Clawdible is a semi aquatic fall creature that lives underneath piles of fallen leaves , in sandy lakesides, and tree stumps! They're omnivorous creatues that enjoy dining on fermenting fallen fruits, grub like insects, and will filter feed the dirt around them to consume vital minerals and nutrients for their shells!  If spooked, a Clawdible will rear back and show its belly to try and spook you back, but this just looks cute to the common scarfox! The shinier their shells, the healthier they are!
These creatures get their name due to the fact that they're missing chewing mandibles on their faces, so instead they chew their food via claw crushing and mashing, and consume the juices of whatever was pulped up! If not quick enough to hibernate for the winter, they end up as prey food for other pets such as Nip-Noms, Boogles, and GeGes! "



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