Site News

Void Information (repost)

Posted 2 weeks ago :: Last edited 2 weeks ago by Dragon-Eternal
-repost since the sites eaten the og bulletin, if this post dissapears please contact dragon-eternal on site or discord-


Void - means to remove your fox from any association with the scarfox species, this includes our lore, pets, traits, and arpg aspect. this option gives the member who owns the voided fox the future option to reinstate the fox at another time if they wish.

Perma Void - means to remove your fox from the species with no chance to ever bring it back in.This includes through our normal reinstatement method, or through purchasing a myo and potions. This choice of voiding is best for those who wish to completely leave the species and not return.

ML = Masterlist -members will need to submit a claim with the title: "Void" or "Perma Void", attaching the foxes in question in the character code section, with an optional fill in, "reason of void (optional)"

-the void claim will be given a gracing period of 4 weeks (28 days) on both types of void to make sure they wish to go through with this. We were noted that some people may rush to void without a cool head, or without thinking they would ever want the design back in the species, so this is for such cases.

-after the claim has sat for the full 28 day gracing period, it will be processed through. The fox's masterlist in question will be given a red version of the soulbound lock icon next to its name, and its name will be changed to VOID. The ml image will be darkened out, and a void timer will start, that will manage a foxes void cooldown. once the fox is off its cooldown, the owner has the option to reinstate it.

-the void cooldown will go for a full 2 months (60 days), this is to help prevent possible spam flood of void and reinstatement. a fox (lets call them fox A) will have their first void last 2 months, that starts from the day the owners void is processed. this timer is not reset if ownership is swapped. -fox A's first void is 2 months cooldown. if this fox gets reinstatement then voided again, this timeframe will span to 5 months, and if a third time will span to a full year. This is to help prevent repetitive reinstatement and voiding, and to help a member take their time thinking over what they wish to do. This cooldown record will stay with the fox no matter the owner.

-voiding a scarfox design will not require permission to void or reinstate from the designer or original owner. As noted by the members of our community, one cannot own the design anymore once sold, only the artwork they made of the design. If the owner of the design does something the designer does not want (such as voiding or reinstating), the Scarfox species is not liable for what a member chooses to do with said design, and will not be a third party in the situation unless absolutely necessary.

-the scarfox species will require that the voided design is not called a scarfox, or is brought into our ARPG aspects any further, either by the owner or other members. the gift art allowed status will be kept off

-we will not require members to alter the design or anatomy of the scarfox to void, but if you wish to distance your design from our species you can alter one of the following key features: the face/head area, the scarf arms, or the body proportions

-during a foxes void, the owner can still trade swap or gift the voided designs with its ML away, but the new owner will need to wait for the ML cooldown to reinstate it (so if member A trades a fox with 1 month left of reinstatement cooldown to member B, member B will only have to wait the 1 month). The 2 month trade cooldown will still apply to a voided design as with any ml fox, and starts when the ml trade has been accepted by the opposing party. (So if member B receives the fox with its 1 month void cooldown, it also has a 2 month trade cool down like any normal fox trades) -to reinstate a fox: the owner of the design will need to submit a claim titled "reinstatement", linking the fox's masterlist in the character code section, and an optional "reason for reinstatement:"

-the reinstatement period will be the same gracing period time (28 days) to make sure the owner truly wants this design back into the species, and wishes for this design to be associated with the scarfox name

-when reinstating the fox, this is not the form to: update the design, add on potion effects, etc. instead use the update design button on your foxes masterlist after its reinstated

-there will not be a cooldown to revoid after the reinstatement, as if a fox is voided a second time, it will retain a 5 month cooldown instead of 2, and a year after 5 months if done again.

-once a members reinstatement is processed, the void lock icon is removed, the image is put back to normal, and the gift art allowed tab is free to edit. The fox is open to use in the arpg and be called a scarfox once more.

-do not submit a new masterlist image via the reinstatement claim, instead use design update after reinstatement

voiding and unvoiding (reinstatement) is handled by staff, if we do not get to your void/unvoid after the 28 days has passed feel free to send us a message on site or on discord dms!

---this information may be updated with new info as the void system gets used, we will send an update ping on the discord and a news bulletin on site if its a major change that affects the system---


Posted 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 3 weeks ago by Darci


Hey guys, our coder TornPages  and their partner are having issues with their PC and need funding for a new one to continue working. 
I will open the shop permanently until they reach their goal of $650 if anyone is to purchase items the funds will be directly sent to their paypal.

Please use this form to purchase the item:
Scarfox Username:
Scarfox Items:

Please make sure that you send this form directly to TornPages [Cassius] and we will process you through. 

> Scarfox Site Username:
> Item Purchase:

I will be physically granting the items. The items available are listed below with their quantity and their price. I will update it once something is taken. 

Cash Shop

MYO Slots

- x1 Common MYO Slot = $30

- x1 Uncommon MYO Slot = $50

- x1 Rare MYO Slot = $75

- x1 Very Rare MYO Slot = $90

- x1 Mystic MYO Slot = $120

- x1 Hollow MYO Slot = $120

- x1 Unstable MYO Slot = $250 (Limited)


- x1 Uncommon Potion = $10

- x1 Rare Potion = $20

- x1 Very Rare Potion = $45

- x1 Mystic Potion = $70

- x1 Hollow Potion = $70

- x1 Chameleon Potion = $50

- x1 Elemental Potion = $50

- x1 Mini Potion = $50

- x1 Synthetic Dye = $70

Pet Eggs

- x3 Mystery Pet Egg = $15

- x3 Water Pet Egg = $15

Guest Artist Application - Now Open

Posted 1 month ago :: Last edited 1 month ago by Darci



Hello, everyone, Guest Artist Applications are now open. Please click the link below to send in your application if you are interested. 


If you have any questions, please write us a comment or ask in the Scarfox Questions on our discord. 

Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing all who apply. 




Guest Artist Rule


General Rules
    • Please follow both the group rules and server rules. If you have any questions please ask them before submitting your applications.
    • Please follow the traits or ask questions if needing clarification on anything. Both Benaberrry and Darci should be available to answer any questions.
    • Please make sure that you have your application in between the dates of June 15th through the 25th. Any applications after that will not checked.
    • Once you have been approved, we will allow the community to select a vote for TWO GAs.
    • All community members will have one vote. If we see more than one vote, the others will be removed.
    • If there is a tie among the GAs, the admins will vote between the two and decide on the winner.
    • Please keep in mind that this is a one-time temporary GA position.
    • Please do not apply if you have a social media account that is under 6 months old.
    • Please do not apply if you are under the age of 18.
    • Please do not apply if any of the admin team has blocked you on any of their social media.



Design | Auction Rules
    • You will only be able to use 4 traits up to Very Rare Traits.
    • You may not use Subtypes.
    • If you wish to add more traits to the Scarfox, you will either have to use your potions or buy them with Crystal currency, not USD.
    • This will be Auction only. No flatsales or OTA.
    • If the design fails to sell, we will reach out and ask what you would like to do.
    • The auto-buy price must be capped at $500, and cannot be any higher.
    • You may add extras to your auto-buy if you wish but that will not increase the cap amount.
    • If you fail to meet the deadline, you will be removed from the temporary GA position and will not be able to apply again the next time applications are open.
    • 20% will be taken out and sent to the Scarfox site funds from the GA design funds.
    • As participation, you will earn one MYO from Uncommon to Very Rare Slot.



The GA timeframe is as follows:
    • June 15th to June 24th: Applications will be open.
    • June 25th to June 28th: Applications will close on the 25th. Admins will be selecting the 5 GAs interests.
    • June 28th to June 30th: The community will vote on which 2 GAs they would want. GAs will be contacted late on June 30th.
    • July 1st: Invitations to a DM chat will be sent out to both GAs. Benaberrry, Dragon-Eternal, and Darci will be in the chat to moderate.
    • July 2nd to July 23rd: These will be the dates that you have to complete your designs and get them approved.
    • July 25th: This will be the preview post for the designs.
    • July 27th to July 31st: Will be the auction days for the two designs.


Posted 1 month ago :: Last edited 1 month ago by Darci


─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───



For those members who are new please DM @torn_pages or Darci with the following information:
  • Scarfox Site Username:
  • DeviantArt / Username:

Please only DM them if you are a new member that needs to be verified. 

We are having issues with Deviantart connecting to lorekeeper and Torn has been working on it whenever possible. So for right now, we can only verify you manually. 



Hello everyone we got some updates in regards to some of the errors we have been dealing with on-site thanks to our coder @torn_pages 

We have gone ahead and deleted a mass number of Bots within the site as well as several Unverified Users who are 6 months or older:

Unverified Users

Anyone who:

  • Has had an empty account 6 months or longer without verifying their email address
 Bot Spam Accounts

 Suspicious accounts had:

  • Either 'keysmash' usernames, a real life name with an email address that didn't properly match, or unnatural email addresses that you can't typically have
  • Unverified email address and alias
  • Were made during the wave of bots joining the site


 For those members who are new please DM @torn_pages with the following information:
  • Scarfox Site Username:
  • DeviantArt / Username:

Please only DM them if you are a new member that needs to be verified. 



Hello everyone sorry for the announcement again but I got a few things to post. Promise no more after this:

Number one is in regard to the FFA Raffles.

  • Trashy Investigator Scarfox** is for those who turned in and submitted the Cirque de Anima prompt.
  • x2 Unstable Potions** is for those who turned in and submitted the Orb of Night prompt. 

Please note before I make the rolls I will be making sure that everyone who participates in the raffles has turned in all prompts mentioned. You will have 24 hours to respond to getting the prizes if you are rolled as a winner, if not I will reroll a new winner until all prizes have been redeemed. You are welcome to join these raffles as long as your prompts are finished. The raffles will be open for 24 hours, meaning they will end on November 1st @ 10 pm CST.

Raffle Link:

Number two is in regard to the last part of the lore

  •  Since it's still early and I'm not sure if I will be available late at night, I am going to post the lore for this month of the event. If you have any questions, you're always welcome to ask them in the comments below.

Cirque De Anima :

Other than that, have a good night everyone. Stay safe, check your candies, and enjoy them if you can.

Scarfox FFA Raffle - Path of Carnations

Posted 2 months ago :: Last edited 2 months ago by Darci




Enter Here


  • Please make sure that you read through the Raffle Rules carefully as this also coincides with my TOS.

  • Anyone who is blocked/has me blocked in ANY of my social media (Deviantart,, Twitter, etc.) will not be allowed to participate in any of my future design sales or raffles. This is to keep both the person and me safe from further interactions. 

  • If voiding the design, please make sure that you send me a note to get my approval and reasoning as to why I will/ will not allow the design to be permanently voided. With temporary voids, I have no issues.

  • Winning the Raffle will lock you on a Scarfox Trade Cooldown for 6 months. We do this to avoid fodder trades. If you are found trading the Scarfox while on cooldown there will be an automatic strike.

  • You have 48 hours to claim a design. You must message me if you are announced as the winner. I will only message you during the final 12 hours of redeeming the Scarfox.

  • Please be aware that I have the right as per design to choose whether I reroll, set it up for sale, set it up for OTA, or simply keep the design if the winner has NOT CLAIMED the Scarfox. More than likely the Scarfox will either be up again at a later date.

  • I will not add or remove any design portion of the Scarfox unless commissioned to do the edit. Depending on the edit it can range from $10 - $50 the more edits have to be made.

  • You can only claim this Scarfox for yourself. You cannot claim for another person or a friend. 

Disclaimer: These rules are set to possible changes. All future changes will be applied immediately to avoid any rising situations. If you have any questions about any of the rules above, you are welcome to message me directly, comment below, or message the Scarfox Question Channel on Discord.



Species created by @Kawiku

Species Owned by Darci

🥔🍠 A suspicious vegetable! 🍠 🥔

Posted 3 months ago :: Last edited 3 months ago by Dragon-Eternal

A suspicious looking vegetable has been discovered in the biome! Suspecting it to be some form of crafts project, or a way to summon a creature, no ones sure whats to come of this thing! For now, Astral will keep a watchful eye over this oddity until something happens!

We have a little something light hearted and fun for April, hope to see ya there! 

🎁Holiday Raffles 2023!

Posted 7 months ago :: Last edited 7 months ago by Dragon-Eternal

🎁Hello hello and welcome to the second year of our FTO and FFA christmas designs! Below is a quick little info drop on how to enter, and other info bits including a feedback idea im asking for opinions on!

  • FTO- First time owner, meaning you've never owned a scarfox, do not currently own a scarfox, and have never owned a scarfox! If you own a MYO slot you count as an owner! If you are the co owner of a fox and do not solely own any foxes or myos on your account, you count as a FTO!
  • FFA- Free for all, meaning that no matter your ownership status you can enter into this raffle! members who are blacklisted and or banned from the species are not permitted to win any of the offered prizes, and cannot win via proxy. if found to be proxy entering these raffles repercussions will occur.

 Members cannot enter for other members, members are not allowed to enter with multiple accounts, and extra entries cannot be earned for these raffles. A FTO may enter for all raffles but can only win one! if the same user is rolled to win multiples via the sites rngeesus, they will win the first thing that was rolled and the other(s) will be rerolled! Accounts will be checked before designs are distributed and winners are announced.

🎁The raffles will be open to enter today @ 3pm cst under our raffles tab, and will close and be rolled on christmas day at the same time (3pm cst)! 

🎁if no responses are had within this timeframe, the designs will be rerolled, so please make sure you're available within that timeframe to reply to Dragon when she contacts you! If you entered and won and had a change of heart, not want the prize, we can reroll! Once again you cannot win this for someone else, nor win this then ask to gift this to someone else before the 6 month cooldown.

🎁There will be 3 total separate raffles held under our raffles tag with their appropriate titles, the FTO being Candy Cane Kitten, and FFA being Pine Bark! These designs follow Dragon-Eternals TOS ans will retain a $0BV and a 6 month cool down. Peeks were given earlier on this month, with their full designs below in a neatly wrapped advert image for the season!

🎁As a bonus, the owner has permitted the raffle of an Uncommon slot alongside these two! It will be for FTO's, and share the same $0BV and will follow a 6 month cooldown before being able to be gifted with the aid of an admin or owner!

ADDENDUM: In the event a staff member wins the FFA raffle, the staff member will receive a different prize of similar value in its place (a MYO), and the design will be rerolled for a community member to win

🎁Among this information, im also interested in some feedback! Would members be interested in being able to earn extra entries for these raffles? this would be through either doing the main monthly prompt for the species which would have your badge of the year be your proof, date and time stamped in your badge section in your inventory for staff checking, and or entering and completing your secret santa before the raffles opening date! The only thing with this tho is it would need to be manually managed and rolled by me, which i dont mind doing in my staff channel then posting the roll result screenshot! If you have other ideas for this please let me know underneath the feedback comment ill leave featured in this post!

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact staffing or ask your questions below in the questions comment!

We hope your december has been the best it could be, and that if you celebrate the holidays it goes well with food and relaxation if possible! The secret santas are already coming out gorgeous, and we're excited to see em all! Happy Holidays!

Upcoming Raffle Peek!

Posted 7 months ago :: Last edited 7 months ago by Dragon-Eternal
🎄Tis the season for a nice gift, and like last year Dragon-Eternal is returning with another set of seasonal raffle scarfoxes! 2 lucky people chosen by rngeesus will be receiving one of the following designs!
🎄Have a peek at whose to come while you wait for the raffles to be held on Christmas Eve around 3pm cst! 🎄
🎄Rolling will happen on Christmas Day 3pm cst! One is a FFA (free for all) and the other is FTO (first time owners) only! 🎄



🎄More info to come on posting day (dec 23rd), we hope you look forward to these bbs, and that participants enjoy the secret santa event, alongside our prompts for the month! 🎄


update 12/23/23: dates were off and christmas eve is on the 24th not the 23rd, so it will be kept to christmas eve posting as noted (24th)! apologies for any confusion 

Secret Santa 2023 Signup is here! UPDATE: Submission Form

Posted 8 months ago :: Last edited 7 months ago by lokidokiarts

UPDATE 12/02/2024

Please note! All finished submissions for the Winter's Gift event must be submitted to this form to be counted as finished! Please remember to submit your form before the deadline!

Submission Form!


"With the weather getting colder and the season of giving around the corner, we would like to announce the Scarfox Realms 2023 Winter's Gift Secret Exchange! Sign Ups begin now and end Nov 29th! Prizes are detailed on the Google Doc! As well as a super special surprise! Everyone who enters and finishes their Gift will be put into a very special Raffle for a very special design! If you have any concerns or questions please DM Lokidokiarts or ask in FAQ and I will get back to you ASAP! :3" -moderator lokidokiarts

Community Update and More!

Posted 9 months ago :: Last edited 9 months ago by Dragon-Eternal
Hello Hello! Its been a bit since a proper update, but now that the October prepwork is nearing its completion, we can take a moment to send out some news. Please take your time reading through this news bulletin, as theres a decent amount we'd like to cover.


New Staffing, the October Event itself, and the Orb of Night Festival held in the Magic Soul Biome

 Throughout this time we've had staff applications open for users to apply to, and for us to see who would be best fit for the positions we offered, as we're looking to expand the team. After careful deliberation among the entire team, the staffing brought on were Wren, Terabitten, and Cybermoon. Our in training mods will be handling some Inktober submissions for this year as their first wave of training, and the MYO mod will be trained by our MYO admin. We welcome them to the staffing, and look forward to this new team growth as we develope scarfoxes!

The Cirque De Anima Event has been in preperation on and off since last year, and was originally gonna be released in October 2022. We left it to the community vote to decide on if we should push through and do the event after coming off our hiatus not refreshed, or hold off and look to hire more staffing and come back to the event next year. The community voted to hold off and look into staffing and develope the event more, and we've kept to the vote to the best of our abilities.

To be fairly transparent, the event itself had alot of twists and turns to develop. From expanding from the past orb of night festival prompts, we moved to flesh out some lore, and took on a bit of a challenge, a new specialty biome for this event.

The Magic Soul biome was tricky from start to finish, as it started with some rough topography, which had us learn about developing how simplistic or complex certain areas are, how it may be viewed on a 3d plane, and preparing it for more interesting ideas and concepts in the future. We are extremely proud and thankful to our team for helping out as much as they did, and for a fair amount of staffing banding together to really get things moving, coordinated, and finished before October 1st.

Heres a list of what you can check out with this event!

-the new NPC for this event, The Ringmaster (made by Benaberry)
-new biome information to read up on and check out (written and cleaned up by Dragon and Darci)
-main biome artwork made by Nocti0bake, external tent biome artwork by Dragon
-a new lore prompt (written by darci), alongside the orb of nights festival for this biome (banner and editing by Dragon and Darci), and a new foxtober (information, artwork, and writing by Darci)
-new badge for this event, the Moon Laurel Badge (badge by Darci)
-new pets (designs by LokiDokiArts, information by Dragon, named by Dragon and new staffing, with a silly snippet from one of our discord members for Boopy)


New Traits, Trait Formatting, and Future Plans for the Trait Encyclopedia


Before the community vote as well, we had prepared some unstable traits to further develop options for said tier, and created the Unstable potion, a way for members to gain access to unstable traits beyond an Unstable MYO. When the potion was prepared, we had a set up list of unstable traits to go alongside it beyond the ones on site before this update (corrupted wisps, container head, and the recently added black halo). Thanks to taking our time, we were able to reconveine on many occassions and develope things more clearly than ever before.

Beyond adding in the traits as just an image and title, we were able to develop a new framework of information on site for the new unstable traits coming in, alongside a new base template for imadry, color coding the images, and some trait mixture visual examples on a few of them! We plan to let this sit for 30 days, and see how the community feels about the information given, if theres areas we can improve, and things we could adjust. 

Unstable Potion

New Traits:
2D Ears
Body Zippers
Braided | Knotted Limbs
Color Drain
Cross Mouth
Mirrored Head
Void Head

If all goes well with how this new trait layout sits, we plan to do this for the rest of the traits on the encyclopedia. 

We are looking to have information updated for some trait tiers (as in the traits involved in that tier, so common traits would be a tier we'd like to focus on and cover in the same format as done for the new unstable traits) over the course of 2024, as finding the time for meetings between MYO admin and owner can be tricky, alongside letting thoughts and information sit and steep to make sure we dont move forward with an inaccurate depiction or ideas on how a trait can work, what it affects, and everything else noted above. We thank you for your patience and time as we slowly but surely chip away at this large task.


Small QnA


"why does this need to be done?"

The site itself (primarily here, the encyclopedia) should be the source of information for people to reference for alot of their questions beyond MYO staffing when looking for transparent information on a trait. This information update also needed to happen due to the complexities of certain unstable traits such as braided/knotted limbs, mirror heads, and other traits revelaed this month.  Due to the limited amount of MYO staffing as well, and our admin having a fair amount of health concerns to where we dont want to wear them out, we feel this is a good step towards benefitting the community and the species, and helps have a source of reliable informaton in regards to the scarfox species traits. 

"Are unstable traits the only new traits that will come to the realm?"

For october yes as our first focus was to give the unstable tier more options to contrast mystic hollow and other tiers, but we do have traits in the works for lower tiers of the species that may not have been possible before! These ideas are being fleshed out as deeply as we possibly can, and we're constantly thinking over what mixture of traits could give this effect instead of a new trait, is it different enough to qualify as a new trait, and where it sits with the cans and cants of the scarfox species anatomy and lore.

If you have trait suggestions or ideas, please dm them to Dragon-Eternal and she will place them in the staffings suggestion channel to check through and manage! 


The Magic Soul Biome


This biome was something a bit off the cuff from your standard biome, and felt like a fun alternative place to the wind valley and the hidden gardens. This also gave us a nice opportunity to play around with something more freeform and abstract compared to the usual biomes living environments while other biomes are in development (such as the sea palace). This biome is noted as being a pop up biome, a form of biome that behaves like a moving island, and can only be found with the aid of our NPCs Alta and Astral. While it looks fun and bright, the biome is completely synthetic down to its dirt, and is held within an enormous tent in and of itself! Its tall walls seem to serve a purpose though, as the Deep Mist appears held back by it. Whats to come in this biome is unclear, but we hope this twist to your classic biome is something interesting to check out and have your fox interact in. We hope you look forward to whats to come during the month of october, while we celebrate the orb of nights festival in the Magic Soul biome, and for future events we may hold that your fox may experience there! 


Behind the Scenes Work


Some of our primary focuses after finishing up the october lore and such is the trait information update, lore development for future events, the realms biomes, new prompts with existing NPC's to help develop characteristics and lore bits with you, the traveling merchant, updating the site and utilizing areas better like the encyclopedia, creating visual guides for things like prompt submissions, and MYO submissions, and other tidbits we've been chipping away at. We appreciate your patience as we do our best to balance species work with irl work /gen


Update about our Coder

While we have been getting reports on certain areas of the site not functioning right among other things, we have not heard from our coder since August. We currently have no clue what has happened, but we are hoping whatever is going on with our coder can end smoothly with no problems, and that we can get in contact with him as soon as possible in regards to not just the website, but he himself as a person, as hes an important member of our team /gen


I believe that about covers alot of the current development we've been going at, if theres any questions or concerns feel free to ask below! Once again we thank you for your patience and understanding during this timeframe, and we hope to keep moving forward as best as we can with Scarfoxes! Take care!