Scarfox-1996: Gaya El Ljós

Owned by ChinchicoAtsuki

Name: Jimmy Jane / Nickname: Jim / Mythology Name: Gaya El Ljós / Age: young lady / Gender: mostly feminine 

my Sakura swan sona (a mix between a swan and an egret)

"The Silent Swan a symbol of grace and elegance..."
There's a sad myth about The Silent Swan; sometimes when approaching the hidden garden you can hear a lullaby that seems to come from nowhere. Some Scarfox say that it's the silent swan who's seeking her family.

there's a very high chance that you never see her your whole life. She flies away/hide every time she hears a sound or see some abnormal movements. She seams to be able to become invisible.

She will migrate from the hidden garden to sky world when winter is coming. A week every month she shapeshift into a red panda Scarfox and migrates to wind valley. Then She suddenly becomes more open to see strangers! Who knows maybe one day she'll be more able to approach you?

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