Scarfox-494: Miko

Owned by GreendayFox

Proud, tough exterior, secretly soft and kind.


Miko comes across as your average pretty boy, distant and out of reach. He'll act high and mighty at times, unwilling to have actual friendships with others, but deep down he is a softie, who likes to collect oddities that catch his eye and just doesn't want anyone to think he's weak or pathetic for it.

He especially cares about critters and objects that seem odd and neglected, almost as if he is reflecting some of these ideas on how he wishes to be treated and how he percieves himself.

Previous Life:

Miko died quite early, in his late teens, being subject to getting into a fight he couldn't quite handle, protecting someone very dear to him.

Part of him believes he's a Scarfox because he can't let go of the love he had for that person, even though he can not remember their look or name, but simply the deep feelings they had for them.