Scarfox-1812: Elysium

Owned by DemonPoker

"Elysium, the place/state of ideal happiness. A final resting place". In a sense he acts like the meaning of his name. In a constant ideal state of happiness as he sends others to their final resting place. Elysium is an unwell individual who views others in a sense of hunter and prey. Only a select few are exempt from this treatment.

Is a regular in the cell and always seems to find a way out no matter what he did. Could range from simple gag jokes with his friend that go too far or just straight murder. Has a habit of standing in dark places and watching others. May even reach out and pluck a lost lamb if they feel the desire to harm. What people do know for sure is the mist holds many secrets.and its promises aren't sincere.


More info could be found on his th :0!
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