Scarfox-1117: Acus Pulvinar

Owned by HindProto
full ref with extra details HERE

Acus is a sly, cunning individual, not much of an extrovert but he loves to hear the latest gossip and rumors, almost as much as he loves practicing his magic. He uses his arcane powers quite regularly, sometimes forcing the light in an area to dim down regardless of the light source, and other times it's crafting an elaborate prank from your surroundings. His most close held love however is cinnamon rolls, muffins, or any other baked goods, Acus will go out of his way to get his hands on a freshly baked treat if he notices it. Above all else if Acus does something then chances are that it's for his own ends in some way, while not always to the detriment of others, it shouldn't be surprising when it is.

Specializes in trickery and illusion types of magic.

Pronouns: He/they
Height: 5'6" (167.6 cm)
  • Gossip/rumors
  • Blankets
  • Warmly lit places
  • Baked goods
  • His magic pin staff (see full ref sheet linked above)
  • Bright lights
  • Large crowds
  • Forced social interactions
  • Rambling
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